Richard Littledale
Richard Littledale
radio microphone
BBC Radio 2Janice Long Show
Alex Lester Show
Pause for Thought
Richard Littledale: Series 7, Number 5
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Friday 6 February 2009

Now that President Barack Obama has been in office for a couple of weeks - do you suppose he has found anything left behind by the previous occupant in the Oval Office? If I were him I couldn't resist having a nosy round - just to see what had been left behind. I'm sure the secret service cleared out all the really interesting stuff, like quirky gifts from other presidents and world leaders. But what about the smaller things? Perhaps there was an old sweet wrapper stuffed down the back of a cushion on the President's chair ... or maybe even a folded Pretzel packet propping up the Presidential desk? There might even have been a carefully folded 'note to self' at the back of a desk drawer - although what it would say is anybody's guess!

Many years ago, the family of the great scientist and inventor, Thomas Edison, were tidying out his effects, and found a little scrap of paper folded up at the back of the desk drawer. As they unfolded it, they began to wonder what it might contain. Was it some fabulously complex mathematical formula, or perhaps the plans for some great new invention? In fact, it was neither. Written across the yellowing piece of paper, in Edison's unmistakeable hand, were the following words: "when feeling down in the mouth, remember Jonah - he came out alright".

For all his scientific brilliance and learning, Edison found himself drawn back to a Bible story loved by children and adults alike. It is the story of Jonah - a reluctant prophet who ran away from his destiny, got thrown off his getaway ship, swallowed by a whale, and prayed to God from its belly. God agreed with Jonah that he had messed up, decided to give him another go, and promptly had the whale spit him out on the beach so he could get on with the job he should have done all along. Like it said in Edison's note - he came out alright.

President Obama faces all kinds of trials and tribulations now. His inbox contains everything from domestic financial meltdown to international conflicts. It's a lot for one man to handle. Amongst all his many trials, its unlikely he'll get swallowed by any whales. Hopefully, he won't feel like running away from the destiny he's waited so long to embrace, either. Along with him, lets just hope that when any of us find ourselves in a tight spot, a bit like Jonah - we 'come out alright'.

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© BBC 2009
This talk by Richard Littledale was first broadcast as BBC Radio 2's night time "Pause for Thought"
at 01:30 during the Janice Long show and at 03:30 during the Alex Lester show.
It is reproduced here by permission of the BBC.